Tuesday, 12 May 2009


Doritos has brought dodgeball to our shores. Balls will be flying every which way and you can fire them. The site allows you to aim one of six dodgeball cannons at various individuals including some celebrity participants via a live feed. Entertaining stuff.

Monday, 11 May 2009

The Decorator

“The Decorator” - result of a year-long collaboration between furniture craftsman Jacob Cress and oil painter Mark Young.

Friday, 24 April 2009

Snatch Wars

2 films: Star Wars and Snatch - Genius


Thursday, 16 April 2009

Black Rain

The images have been collected from NASA's twin satellite, solar mission, STEREO. STEREO consists of two space-based observatories - one ahead of Earth in its orbit, the other trailing behind.

Black Rain from Semiconductor on Vimeo.

Courtesy of Neil Perkin

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Guerrilla Gardening

Guerrilla Gardening, the illicit cultivation of public spaces, is currently occurring at various sites around London. Armed with bulbs, flowers and other gardening paraphernalia, volunteers are making their local area that little bit greener.

The work of guerrilla gardeners is appearing around the world, with more and more people ‘fighting the filth with forks and flowers’

International Sunflower Guerrilla Gardening Day 2009 http://www.guerrillagardening.org/

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Cut Movie: Women's Aid

Agency Grey London have produced a short film starring Keira Knightley for Women's aid. This powerful ad was directed by Joe Wright (Atonement) and aims to raise awareness of domestic violence.


Women's Aid

Monday, 30 March 2009

Round The Bend

Saw this from Young's as I was passing through Wandsworth. The building is still there but apparently they haven't been 'round the bend' since 2006 when the Brewery moved to Bedfordshire.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

The Ski Jump Toilet

Agency Tugboat, Tokyo and Georgia Max Coffee refurbished a selection of toilets at various ski resorts in Japan. By covering the interior the user is treated to a ski jumper's view from the top of the mountain.

Monday, 9 March 2009

Thursday, 26 February 2009

38 Cute Animals, 1 Cool Screen, 8 Different Uses

Away for a while and back with this...

For the new Samsung Ultra Touch

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Here Today, Goo Tomorrow

Bus shelter fun in Britain from Cadbury's and Saatchi & Saatchi London.

Zodiac Race

To celebrate it's 60th anniversary, Onitsuka Tiger with animation production company PandaPanther have produced this three minute film. The film explains how the various animals secured their positions in the calendar.

Computer Tan

Get the 'I've just arrived back from holiday look' all year round with computertan. A breakthrough technology which allows you to get a glowing tan through your computer monitor.

Or more accurately a fake website which fooled plenty. Set up by McCann Erickson for skin cancer charity Skcin to raise awareness of the dangers of skin cancer.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Coca-Cola Super Bowl ads

Two really nice ads from Wieden + Kennedy for Coca-Cola played out during the famous Superbowl ad breaks.

I like the Avatar film. I think it raises an interesting issue concerning the human drive behind online activity, particularly the increasing importance of online personas. The ad centres on the meeting of two people in the real world, while digital avatars roam the streets with some repeatedly changing their digital appearance. The main characters’ encounter takes place when the bloke orders a bottle of Coke, taking the girl out of her online persona and into the real world.

1. "Heist"

2. "Avatar"

Friday, 30 January 2009

Fifty People, One Question: London

Thanks for getting in touch Crush and Lovely. After the New York film, here is another interesting collection of interviews, this time asking people in London for their answers to the question, ‘where would you like to wake up?’ There are some further responses on the site.

Fifty People, One Question: London from Crush + Lovely on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Save Tango

In an election of a different kind, Brivic and ad agency BBH have launched the 'Save Tango' campaign. The sway in consumer drinking habits towards 'healthier drinks' such as smoothies has left Tango on the verge of extinction. The hope is to drum up some support for the orange fizz and get it back in people’s mouths.

Yes Pecan

Ben and Jerry’s new limited edition flavour of ice cream, which celebrates the inauguration of Barack Obama, the 44th US president.Ben and Jerry's

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Pretty Loaded

A tribute to loading screens...Pretty Loaded

Friday, 16 January 2009

Powerful communication

Jon Steel describes advertising as a simple form of communication. He uses the example of the sign 'Will work for food' often held by homeless people to demonstrate this fact. Steel regards this example as a powerful piece of communication which works on several levels, referring to the prejudices often held against homeless people. Continuing on the same lines, I believe the sign below does the job. It would catch my attention, make me smile and I would be more likely to give money.
Source: Truth, Lies and Advertising and Sara

Monday, 12 January 2009

Free Love

Outdoor outfitter Northland Professional have embarked on a billboard campaign offering free love. Samples of hats, gloves and scarves have been attached to 50 billboards around the Austrian city of Graz. It is possible just to grab this free stuff which has led to some people going to great lengths to get their hands on the merchandise.

Source: Paddo and Springwise

Monday, 5 January 2009

Chew through the minutes that matter

Wrigley's Extra has launched a campaign celebrating extra time in football matches. The 90+ Extra sponsorship, visible at games on the perimeter boards, big screens and match-day programmes confirms theses crucial moments, which frequently change the result of a game, just look at some of the December Premier League matches.

Here in the Fulham match-day programme, the ad relives the dramatic extra time moment in Fulham’s famous 2-3 victory against Man city, with the late goal from Kamara keeping Fulham's premier league dreams alive.

Teddy Sheringham discusses below.

The site: Extra 90+